Muhammad al-Bukhari

Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem ibn īl Ismā ʿ ibn al - Mughira al -Bukhari al - ʿ fī Chu, محمد بن إسماعيل بن إبراهيم بن المغيرة البخاري / Muḥammad b. Ismā īl ʿ b. Ibrāhīm b. al - Mugira al - Bukhari al - ʿ fī Ǧu, known after his birthplace under the name of al -Bukhari ( born July 21, 810 in Bukhara, † 870 in Chartang in Samarkand, now Uzbekistan ), was an eminent Islamic scholar.


Al -Bukhari was born into a wealthy family. His great-great grandfather, so al - Mizzi and al-Dhahabi in their scholarly biographies, still wearing the Persian name Ibn Badhdizbah, Var. Bardizbah in the Arabic meaning of " Zarra ʿ " ( farmer ). His great-grandfather al - Mughira was still Zoroastrians and embraced Islam under the governor of Bukhara on.

Al -Bukhari enjoyed Arab-Islamic education and began very early with the study of hadith sciences and other disciplines. At the age of 16 he went with his mother and brother on the pilgrimage, and then studied with scholars of Mecca and Medina. After 16 years of study tour, including in Basra, Kufa, Syria, and Egypt, he returned to Nishapur. He is said to have claims to have studied with over a thousand scholars of his time.

Although represented al -Bukhari, the official doctrine of the uncreated of the Koran, but not transferred this theological principle to the recitation thereof by the people. The recitation, the utterance of the word of God by man is created al - Bukhari opinion, that is a product of man. For this reason he had to leave and return to Bukhara in order to record his teaching in the main mosque of the city. After he failed to comply with the wishes of the city governor to grant his children at his home private lessons, he was exiled to Chartank, where he spent his remaining years in a circle of relatives.


  • Al - Jami ʿ al- Saheeh / الجامع الصحيح / al - ʿ u ʾ Ǧāmi S- Sahih /, collection of authentic traditions '; The " Saheeh " is the main work of al - Bukhari, on which he is said to have worked over sixteen years and that established his fame throughout the Islamic world. He is said to around 2,800 from 600,000 hadiths - have chosen according to the strictest criteria of tradition criticism to include them as " Sahih " in his collection - without repetitions in the factory. The work comes first of the six canonical hadith collections of Sunni. To date, his hadith collection enjoys the highest authority in Sunni Islam. It contains 97 books which are ordered from the fourth chapter in accordance with the structure of the fiqh books thematically ( Musannaf ) and reflect the traditional religious worldview of his time. In the first three chapters of other topics will be discussed: the beginning of the revelation, questions of faith and the merits of Sciences. They also include traditions about Qur'anic exegesis, good manners and dream interpretation, about the civil war, about the merits of Muhammad's companions and of the doctrine of Tawheed. → Main article: Sahih Bukhari
  • At- ta ʾ al - Kabīr Rich / al - Awsat / as- Saghir / التأريخ الكبير, التأريخ الأوسط, التأريخ الصغير / at- ta ʾ ʾ l Rihu Kabir / al - Awsat / aṣ - Sagir. that is, the "big" / "medium" / and "small" story are three books in which al - Bukhari, the "story" that is, the Vita tradition of Aryans together, while his own opinion about their credibility as a mediator of sayings of the Prophet Mohammed (see Hadith) and added his own, later relevant terminology has defined the Hadithkritik.
  • Al - adab al - mufrad / الأدب المفرد / al - ʾ l - adabu mufrad /, The unique morality ';
  • Kitāb ad -du ʿ AFA ʾ / كتاب الضعفاء / kitāb AD -du ʿ AFA ʾ /, The Book on the weak tradition Aryans ' also Kitaab ad- du ʿ AFA ʾ aṣ - Sagir called ( " The Little Book on weak tradition Aryans ").

It is published with the book of the same content at NASA ʾ ī in India and Aleppo.
