Munich (North Dakota)

Cavalier County


Munich is a village in Cavalier County in the northern part of the U.S. state of North Dakota about 35 miles south of the Canadian border. Munich has 268 inhabitants and covers an area of ​​1.6 km ². The population density of 169.6 / km ² and the elevation at 486 meters above sea level The village was founded in Munich in 1904 and has a parking. In addition, through the village is a railway track.

Demographic data

The average household income is 25,156 U.S. dollars, the average income of a family with 38,125 dollars. Males have a median income of $ 21,750 U.S. dollars to the women with an average of 19,375 U.S. dollars. The per capita income is 16,849 U.S. dollars. 6.3 % of the population and 11.4 % of families are below the poverty line. 12.3% of the population is under 18 years old and 100 females aged 18 and over, there are 89.2 men statistically. The average age is 44 years. (2000 )

The population consists of 59% of German descent, followed by English -Russians (10.4%), Norwegischstämmigen (8.6%), Irish -Russians (7.1%), Schottischstämmigen (6.0%) and Swedish -Russians (6.0%).

  • Place in North Dakota
  • Location in North America
  • Cavalier County