Murray (Kentucky)

Calloway County


Murray is a town with 15,725 inhabitants ( estimate: 2006 ) in the U.S. state of Kentucky, and the county seat of Calloway County.


Murray is located in southeastern Kentucky at an altitude of 157 m. The city covers an area of 25.1 km2. The closest major cities are: Clarksville ( about 65 km east), Nashville (110 km southeast) and Chicago (360 km north). About 13 km to the south is the border of the State of Tennessee. The recreation area Land Between The Lakes is located about 25 km east.


In Murray 15,725 people live. Compared to the population in the year 2000 (14.950) results over this period a population growth of 5.2 %. Divided by skin color live in Murray 87.4 % White, 6.8% African-American, 1.7% Hispanic, 4.1% other race. The average age is 26.5 years, compared with an average age of 35.9 years in the state of Kentucky. The relatively low average age is due to the large number of students of Murray State University. The average income is less than clear, the number of persons below the poverty line, well above the average of the State of Kentucky.


The main thoroughfare is U.S. Highway 641, a side section of U.S. Highway 41, which runs through the city in the middle. There is a connection to Interstate 24 to the north and to Interstate 40, which runs south. Murray has an airfield, the Murray - Calloway County Airport.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Molly Sims, actress and model
  • Nathan Stubblefield, the inventor
  • Place in Kentucky
  • Location in North America
  • Calloway County
  • County Seat in Kentucky