Musica Poetica

The term Musica Poetica one called in music theory of the 16th and 17th century composition.

Following Aristotle, a distinction between theoretica Musica, Musica Practica Musica and poetica. The word meant poetica not poetry, but the poiesis, production. The term first appears in the Rudimenta Musicae Planae ( Wittenberg, 1533) by Nicholas Listenius, then a working title of Heinrich Faber (1548 ), Joachim Burmeister ( 1606 ), Johann Andreas Herbst (1643 ) and Others

The Musica Poetica is in turn divided into Sortisatio and Compositio. While there are several examples for Sortisatio ( villanelles, canticles Rustica, Bawrenlieder ), Compositio is listed as a counterpoint.
