
Musken ( Sami Måsske ) is a village in the municipality Tysfjorden in the region Ofoten in Nordland in Norway. It is located midway between the long and Narrow Hellmofjord, a fjord arm of Tysfjords. The village is not far away from Hellmobotn at the top of Hellmofjords where the Norwegian mainland is narrowest, just 6 km between the sea and Sweden. The postal address is 8274 Musken. Musken is located 163 meters above the sea.

Today Musken has 40 inhabitants and only 6 students attend the local school. The school in Musken is one of only two schools in the world, who teach the Lulesamische language. The place also has Norway's only manual mail sorting center. One of the deepest caves in Northern Europe, the Raggejavreraige, directly south of Musken. The cave is 580 meters deep.
