
As Myoperizytom a benign soft tissue tumor of adulthood is called. Myoperizytome occur subcutaneously in particular in the region of the distal extremities, in individual cases, however, an intracranial localization have been described.

Clinically, it is often painless slowly over years growing small nodes that can become symptomatic at best due to compression of adjacent structures. Intraoperative mostly less than 2 -cm-diameter tumors are well demarcated from the surrounding tissue.

Pathologically, the tumor is of the concentric arrangement of spindled tumor cells around blood vessels characteristic reminiscent of Myoperizyten. By immunohistochemistry, the tumor cells express smooth muscle actin.

The prognosis is favorable: even after incomplete removal recurrences are the exception. Malignant Myoperizytome are a rarity.
