Nahal Sorek

FVorlage: Infobox River / The Nachal Sorek Obsolete (Hebrew נחל שורק, Nahal Sorek or Nahal Soreq also transcribed ), Arabic Wadi Surar, is a river in Israel. He is mentioned in the Old Testament as the boundary between the Philistines and the tribe of Dan. Located on the river which is 1955 built Soreq Nuclear Research Center.


The Sorek rises in the West Bank, south of the city of Ramallah ( north-west of the disused Jerusalem Atarot airport ). It flows from north to south the Palestinian government Jerusalem and swings as soon as he touches the city of Jerusalem, to the southwest. In this direction, it flows through the western suburbs of Jerusalem, where it is impounded at Moshav Beit Zayit to Beit Zayit reservoir. Southwest of Jerusalem he meets the railway Jerusalem - Jaffa, which is hitherto the creek Nachal Refa'im followed and the meandering valley of Sorek flowing westward now follows. Behind Beit Shemesh swings the river to the northwest, and soon after the railroad track leaves the river in the direction of Rehovot, while the flow tends towards the Mediterranean Sea, in which it flows north of the kibbutz Palm Achim.
