Nanzih District

22.7268120.2975Koordinaten: 22 ° 44 'N, 120 ° 18'

Nanzi (Chinese楠梓 区, pinyin Nánzǐ Qū ) is a central district on the west coast of the city of Kaohsiung in Taiwan.

This is among other things since 1967 NEPZ ( Nanze Export Processing Zone ), in which various semiconductor companies (ASE, NXP, WUS) are located. Also, a petrochemical center in Taiwan can be found here, the headquarters of the CPC (Chinese petroleum Corp. ).

In Nanzi the First University of Science and Technology Kaohsiung, the Kaohsiung University (English National University of Kaohsiung, NUK ), and Marine University Kaohsiung are (English National Kaohsiung Marine University, NKMU ).

  • Place on Taiwan
  • District
  • Kaohsiung