National Centers for Environmental Prediction

The National Centers for Environmental Prediction ( NCEP; National centers for environmental prediction ) of the United States supply various weather forecasts. The centers are part of the National Weather Service (NWS ) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA).

Altogether there are nine individual centers:

  • The Aviation Weather Center provides warnings for aviation and forecasts of hazardous flight conditions for the U.S. and international airspace.
  • The Climate Prediction Center monitors short-term fluctuations in climate and forecast the further development and possible implications for the United States.
  • The Environmental Modeling Center developed and improved methods for the prediction of weather, climate and water cycles, and other developments of the seas.
  • The Weather Prediction Center (until 2013: Hydrometeorological Prediction Center ) provides analysis and forecasts for the next seven days.
  • The NCEP Central Operations uses numerical methods and predictive models and prepares NCEP data for publication.
  • The Ocean Prediction Center provides weather warnings and forecasts for up to five days for the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean north of the 30th parallel
  • The Space Weather Prediction Center monitors space weather and provides warnings of turbulence, the human and material in space or on Earth could interfere.
  • The Storm Prediction Center tracked tornadoes and other severe weather across the United States and provides predictions for its future development.
  • The Tropical Prediction Center includes the National Hurricane Center and provides predictions for the movement and strength of tropical weather conditions, including building upon it warnings for the United States and its surroundings