National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons

The National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons ( NCNC, National Council of Nigeria and Cameroon) was a Nigerian political party from 1944 to 1966.

In colonial times

The party was founded in 1944 by Nnamdi Azikiwe and Herbert Macaulay. The fact that it relied on the same Nigeria and Cameroon, derives from the fact that the former German colony of Cameroon had been ceded to the First World War in Britain and France. Northern Cameroon while the British colony of Nigeria was incorporated stayed there but an independent county. The NCNC was a gathering point for nationalist parties, cultural associations and labor organizations. After the so-called Macphershon Constitution of 1950, Nigerians allowed under British colonial sovereignty to be at the regional level represent parliament, the ruling party in Eastern Nigeria NCNC was. With the independence of Nigeria Azikiwe increased by the Prime Minister Ostnigerias on Governor-General of the entire country. As Nigeria in 1963 turned into a republic, was Azikiwe president.

As a ruling party

The government coalition of NCNC and NPC (Northern People's Congress) from the beginning was exposed to severe tensions, which led, especially in the regional parliaments to serious confrontations. The NPC was Muslim and regionalist oriented and was supported by the old aristocracy of the north, while the NCNC was more Christian, nationalist and populist aligned. However, although the NCNC claimed to bring together all of Nigeria and thereby use especially for ethnic minorities, accused him of his opponents, but to represent the interests of the Ibo population in the southeast. In rapidly brutalizing political climate of the first republic opponents of NCNC went into the West Region in brutal intimidation campaigns against individual supporters of the party before. The end came for the NCNC with the seizure of power by the military in 1966.

  • Cameroonian Party
  • Past Party
  • Historic Party ( Nigeria)
  • Nationalist Party