Nativity play

The nativity scene is an evolution of the traditional Christmas game. Shown is the Christmas story that is about the birth of Jesus. The nativity play is listed usually on Christmas Eve in the church, which may also be incorporated into the Christian Vesper.


The Christmas play was a spiritual drama of the laity, which emerged from the liturgical Christmas in medieval times. In the 10th century there was the nativity scene at the altar to Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child. The proclamation of Christ's birth to the shepherds ( pastors game ) and the homage of the child by the Magi ( Three Kings game ) were shown dramatically. This in the 12th century the Christmas games. From the 13th century the Christmas play from Benediktbeuren is preserved in Latin. The Christmas game differs from the nativity play, especially in that it further scenes from the Bible contained such as the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise.

According to tradition, going both the nativity play and Christmas weighing the Dominicans as the Nativity scene on the 1223 return. Back then allegedly turned Francis of Assisi in the forest of Greccio in live animals and people, the Christmas story in view of the Epiphany is, and has since promoted the Franciscan This view, which remained even after the Reformation.


  • The Christmas Market in Essen shows every year a nativity scene with live sheep, live for the duration of the Christmas market in the manger.
  • The Labeser nativity play was introduced in 1921 in Labes in Pomerania. Today, annual performances in Hanover and in Schwüblingsen take place.
  • Since the 1920s, students of Lübeck Katharineum perform every year at Christmas time in the Aegidienkirche Lübeck a nativity play in the Low German language.
  • From 2013, with the Christmas Huttwil Switzerland the modern Chinder Wiehnacht is listed in Alemannic dialect of Roland Zoss in changing churches.