
Clockwise: Mandarin Duck, White Stork, Black-, Black Kite

The Neukiefervögel ( Neognathae ) form one of the two sub-classes of birds, and include about 9000 species the major part of the variety of birds, including passerines with more than 5300 species, see also classification of birds.

The most important feature that distinguishes them from the Urkiefervögeln ( Palaeognathae ), the palate structure: Neukiefervögeln lacks the reinforcement of the so-called " pterygoid - palatine complex " (PPC ), a bone configuration consisting of wing bone ( pterygoid ) Palatine bone ( palatine ) and vomer ( vomer ) is. Unlike the Palaeognathae there is also but not a particularly outstanding characteristic: there are, within the Neukiefervögel besides birds flying and non- flying birds, such as the penguins that counted to the parrot kakapo or standing in their own family Kagus. The largest Neukiefervogel is the Andean condor with a length of up to 1.30 meters and a wingspan of up to 3.20 meters.
