
As Neutribalismus is called an ideology according to which the people are intended (as opposed to modern society ) to live in a tribal society, and thus can not be happy, as long as no resemblance to " archaic " lifestyles has been created. Of these, the term urban tribe ( engl. ' City Master ' ) to define, which is widely used as a synonym for subculture or youth culture.

General ideology

The neutribalistische ideology refers to the social philosophy of Jean -Jacques Rousseau and the evolutionary principle of the anthropologist Claude Lévi -Strauss, which state that a species becomes pathological when they are removed from their original environment. Certain aspects of the industrial and post - industrial life, including the need to live in a society of strangers and interact with organizations whose membership figures are far higher than the Dunbar number, are considered harmful to the human spirit as it has developed. In his essay Psychology, Ideology, Utopia, & the Commons of 1985, the psychologist Dennis Fox quoted a figure of 150 people. Some proponents of Neutribalismus claim that their ideas are scientifically proven by the Evolutionary Psychology; this claim is very controversial.

Those who see in Neutribalismus a political or quasi- political movement that differ from the conservative tribalism, which is present in many parts of the world by isolated the need for a global (or at least national ) network of cooperating tribes in contrast to, emphasize contending groups of traditional tribal society. Here, the criticism of the proponents of contemporary culture suggests that tribal societies almost always violent and repressive than are the modern ones.

Sociological implications

The French sociologist Michel Maffesoli was probably the first to use the term " Neutribalismus " in a scholarly context. Maffesoli predicted that the companies would be looking for guidance in the face of the decline of culture and institutions of modernism at the organizational principles of the distant past and postmodernism thus the era of Neutribalismus will be.

Critics such as Ethan Watters have the growing dynamics of Neutribalismus appreciated or accused that it contributes to the decline of marriage in the developed world, as the "modern tribes " offer alternative ways to meet social interaction for it.

Moderate tendency

Moderate Neutribalisten believe that a tribal society can exist with a modern technological infrastructure together. This setting is also known as "urban tribalism ". In this scenario, for example, people in large homes and other buildings could live in a community of 12-20 individuals, all of which adhere to a set pattern of rules, cultural rituals and intimate relationships, but on the other hand, lead a modern life by doing work, drive a car, etc. By trying to harmonize two seemingly contradictory cultures, namely the modern existence and the tribalism, the moderate tendency in the cultural or even political sense can be considered syncretistic.

It combines this orientation with critics such as Ethan Watters and an optimistic attitude regarding the possibility of a peaceful and non- destructive transition to Neutribalismus. Its proponents interpret the principle mentioned in the evolutionary environment as primarily social.

Radical tendency

Radicals Neutribalisten as John Zerzan or Daniel Quinn believe that a healthy tribal life is possible only if the technological civilization was either destroyed or significantly reduced. Quinn formulated the concept of " path - walking " in which civilization is abandoned as a whole and in its periphery a new tribal culture emerges. Others, such as call Derrick Jensen to more violent actions, because they deem it appropriate and necessary to actively accelerate or bring about the collapse of civilization. The Association The Tribe of anthropik thinks only of survival, since a collapse in their opinion, is inevitable, regardless of what is said or done, and focuses its efforts on the survival and the subsequent creation of tribal cultures.

In general, the radical Neutribalisten agree that the current humankind a cultural change necessary and desirable not only untenable and therefore of utmost importance, with the preferred or perhaps inevitable form of society after this change of tribalism is. The call for a revolution is used either to achieve the change or survive. The primitivism is considered as an influence, or even a variant of radical Neutribalismus.

The radical representatives interpret the evolutionary principle mentioned in the environment primarily as a physically and economically.


Critics point out that membership in modern tribes is voluntary and superficial, ie not based on deep cultural traditions and relationships. Therefore, they interpret the Neutribalismus than a fad - because if he ever existed outside the thoughts of certain experts.

From a different angle to throw the critics Neutribalisten often that they offended the political myth of the " noble savage " revived in the 19th century and thus traditional indigenous cultures through disingenuous and inaccurate imitation.
