Nilus of Sinai

Nilus the Elder ( * in or near Ankara, † 430 ) was a civil servant in the Eastern Roman Empire and later became a monk.

Nilus acted under the emperors Arcadius and Theodosius II as a civil servant and politician. Later he settled with his son Theodule on Mount Sinai as an anchorite.

In his writings, he sat down for a very monasticism and its dissemination; but also warned always before their worldliness. One calls him one of the Church Fathers.

His feast day is November 12.

He is not to be confused with Nilus the Younger.


  • Allacci Leone (ed.): SPN Nili ascetae, discipuli S. Johannis Chrysostomi epistolarum libri IV Barberi, Rome 1668th
  • Pietro Zini A. (ed.): Nili opera quaedam Nondum edita. Cramoisy, Paris in 1639.