
Nomocharis aperta in Yunnan, China

Nomocharis is the name of a genus in the family Liliaceae ( Liliaceae ). It is also called glory lily and consists of only eight species that are native to China, Myanmar and India.

The genus is closely related to the lilies, their taxonomic status was always discussed. Meanwhile regarded as certain that the genus is to integrate into the lilies, but a corresponding taxonomic processing is still pending.


Nomocharis grow from ovate to ovate - roundish bulbs and be 25 to 100 (rarely to 150) centimeters. The flat, slightly cupped flower consists of six bloom cladding, whose colors - from white through pink, red and purple to a pale violet differ, the inner bracts are often patterned - depending on the type.


All species of the genus are native to the alpine southwest of the People 's Republic of China and bordering Myanmar and India. They prefer cool and moist sites in the shade in humus soil.


The genus was first described in 1889 by Adrien René Franchet and traditionally comprises seven species, it is considered taxonomically complicated the classification of the group to Nomocharis aperta and Nomocharis forrestii why sometimes only six or eight species were cited.

2012 has been described with Nomocharis gongshanensis another way, so that the genus currently comprises eight species in two sections:

  • Section Eunomocharis:
  • Nomocharis farreri (WE Evansd ) Cox, Origin: Northeast Myanmar
  • Nomocharis basilissa Farrer W. E. ex Evans, Origin: Myanmar, Yunnan
  • Nomocharis meleagrina Franch, home. Yunnan and Southeast Tibet
  • . Nomocharis pardanthina Franch, Origin: Nordwestjünnan and Sichuan
  • Section Ecristata:
  • Nomocharis aperta ( Franch. ) W. W. Sm & W. E. Evans, Origin: Tibet, Yunnan and northern Myanmar
  • Nomocharis forrestii Balf. f, Origin: Yunnan
  • Nomocharis saluenensis Balf. f, Origin: Northern Myanmar, Sichuan, Yunnan, Southeast Tibet
  • Nomocharis gongshanensis Y.D. Gao & X.J. Hey, Origin: Yunnan

The exact taxonomic position in terms of lilies ( Lilium) was always unclear. Many molecular genetic tests make sure that the species in the lily is to integrate between other Asian species. Neither was able to but their exact position can be determined so far, yet the necessary taxonomic processing was performed:

Lilium section Archelirion

Lilium section Leucolirion ( part )

Lilium section Sinomartagon ( part, "pseudo - Sinomartagon " )


Lilium philadelphicum


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  • Lily plants
  • Liliaceae