Nomological validity

Nomological validity (English nomological validity ) refers to multivariate statistics one aspect of construct validity and is present when the hypothetical causal relationships between multiple constructs can be confirmed.


The idea of ​​nomological validity is mentioned at the latest by Bagozzi (1980).


Nomological validity is only one component to determine the construct validity of a construct. Other modules include Konvergenzvalidität, discriminant validity and content validity based on a definition of the construct.

The review of the nomological validity is only possible if the measured construct is to other constructs, one of which exist as valid existing scales in theoretical context. The nomological validity is considered to be proven if this relationship can be demonstrated to be checked with the scale.


The use of nomological validity is criticized by John R. Rossiter, the only content validity emphasized as an essential core of construct, content and construct validity yes even equate. This view is in turn criticized by Adamantios Diamantopoulos, among other things, the importance the nomological validity points.


  • Multivariate Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics