Non-Photo Blue

Non- Photo Blue and Non- Repro Blue is a specific shade that is applied in the graphic design and printing company.


NPB is used for example of layout editors to write notes to the printer on the print template that are not visible in the final version. Furthermore, NPB is used by artists for sketches, since you do not have to erase again NPB after the inks.

Recently, NPB is also used for digital scanning and image manipulation. The artist can make a design with NPB, mascara on the sketch, and then scan. Although the shade of blue is perceived by most scanners, but by converting it into a grayscale image, and enhancing the contrast and brightness of the color is eliminated. Depending on scanner settings and the process varies, but the procedure remains the same. The difference between NPB and black ink is large enough so that digital image manipulation can easily distinguish between the two colors, which in turn makes future proof NPB.

Application forms

NPB is found in the form of pencils or pencil leads (eg Staedtler Mars or Sanford ). Depending on the specific application area can be also be other colors.


  • Copy -Not
  • Non-print
  • Color reproduction
  • Colour Name
  • Artistic technology