Noto Peninsula

Geographical location

The Noto Peninsula (能 登 半岛jap, Noto Hanto - ) is a peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture on the Japanese island of Honshu.


The Chinese characters能 登have here no meaningful significance but were subsequently selected to verschriftlichen the word Noto. Its importance is again uncertain.

The prevailing opinion is that it is of Nuto (沼 辺) for " swamp area " comes and focus on the area around Ōchigata (邑 知 泻) concerned, a far inland cut lagoon at Hakui, which included nearly 8 km ² before the land reclamation measures and their environment originally had a swamp character.

According to another opinion Noto was the Ainu term not for " nose " or " cape" borrowed, which was alluded to the character as a peninsula.


Noto is located just north of Kanazawa and extends into the Sea of ​​Japan. Among the cities on the peninsula include Wajima, Suzu, Nanao and Hakui.
