
Notobasis syriaca

Notobasis syriaca is the only species in the genus Notobasis in the family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).


Notobasis syriaca is a one-year stem - Therophyt, achieved the stature heights of 60 to 150 centimeters. The leaves are white annoying and almost bald on the top. Your bottom is hairy little grauspinnwebig. The stem leaves are sessile with broad heads. The uppermost stem leaves surrounding the head and are almost reduced to stiff, strong thorns. The heads are leaf axils. The bracts are hairy, short- spined and spinnwebig. The tubular flowers are purple. The fruits are brown, bare and 5 to 6 millimeters long. The pappus is feathery and 13 to 15 millimeters in size.

The flowering period extends from April to June.


Notobasis syriaca occurs in the Mediterranean. In Crete, the species grows on fields, fallow land and dry waste places at altitudes 0-1050 meters.


  • Ralf Jahn, Peter Schoenfelder: Excursion Flora of Crete. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-8001-3478-0.