Nouvelles de la république des lettres

The Nouvelles de la République des Lettres (NRL ) is a published by the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici scientific journal. It appears in two issues per year in publishing PRISMI Editrice in Naples since 1981.

The name of the magazine goes back to the same name, founded by Pierre Bayle literary and scientific journal, published in Amsterdam since 1684. This predecessor connects a similar international orientation. The journal will be published on topics in philosophy, history and literature in several European languages ​​. In addition to papers on this broad topical spectrum also appear source editions. Smaller contributions are made ​​under the heading Miscellanea and book reviews as well as news with conference reports, project communications and other longer appear under the heading forum. At the founding of the journal in 1981 by Paul Dibon, and Tullio Gregory worked with numerous international trade scholars such as Gustavo Costa, Marc Fumaroli, Eugenio Garin, Henri Gouhier, Paul Oskar Kristeller, Paul Raabe and Joseph Burney Trapp.
