Nuaym ibn Masud

Nu ʿ ibn Mas ʿ ud aim, نعيم بن مسعود / Nu ʿ aim b. Mas ʿ ūd, was Muhammad's time a leader of the near Yathrib ( Medina ) -based Arab Ghatafan. In the grave battle he had a prominent position as he had converted secretly to Islam and discord among the Quraish, Ghatafan and Banu Qurayza sowed, which ultimately ended in the fact that the attackers withdrew, and that Mohammed ordered all men of the Banu Qurayza murder and all women and children enslaved (see: grave battle Banu Qurayza and ).

The Aschdscha ʿ from the composite of Ghatafan ran during the grave battle over along with Nu ʿ ibn Mas ʿ ud aim to Muslims. The other Ghatafan were even during Muhammad's " train to Khaybar " on the side of his opponents and was only after his death Muslims.
