Nuclear cap-binding protein complex

The cap-binding complex ( CBC), or more precisely of the nuclear cap-binding complex ( NCBC ) is consisting of two subunits protein complex that binds to the 5 'cap structure of the resulting mRNA in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. The binding of CBC stabilizes the RNA and protect it from the removal of the m7G -cap; also it leads to transcription end to the fact that the poly -A tail will bind, and so the RNA is cyclized and even less attack surface features. Furthermore, the CBC is essential for the process of splicing and transport from the nucleus to the endoplasmic reticulum. The CBC in metazoans consists of the subunits CBP20 and CBP80, the designation was based on the molecular mass of 20 kDa and 80 kDa. For yeasts, the subunits as CBC1 and CBC2 be called.

To the above functions is that mRNA is protected by the binding to CBC and during the first round of translation from degradation by poly A -specific ribonuclease.
