Number One Bloor

The One Blooor East is still currently under construction Knitting high rise building, which should include not only a classic residential complex, a gym, spa facilities and other facilities. It arises at the corner of Yonge Street Bloor Street in Toronto, Canada.


The construction project was originally announced in 2007. In 2009 it was placed due to the high cost of construction in question and not put into his former shape. Initially, a hotel and residential unit to be built in the building. On 22 July 2009, the construction company Bazis International sold the property to the company Great Gulf Homes.

The construction project has been renamed and revised, lowered the height to 202 meters. The new building, which is exclusively designed as a residential building will have 65 floors and built by Great Gulf Homes.


The building will have a concrete and glass facade and balconies. It will be on a multi-purpose building in which several facilities such as cafes, spa areas and smaller shops and restaurants are located. In the 6th and 7th floors, the spa area is located, with an outdoor swimming pool, sun landscape and meadow on the roof of the multi-purpose building.
