Nursing informatics

Taking care of computer science is a field of application of computer science and a specialized area of ​​business computer science, which deals mainly with care-relevant task- centric applications, information systems and e-health. It is based partly on the findings of this medical computer science. Maintenance computer science is used in all areas of care, the health and medical care and the elderly. As part of the field of nursing care science computer science are available (also sold under the names Healthcare Informatics or Nursing informatics ) in some countries as an independent study course or postgraduate studies.

Areas of application

Maintenance computer science to represent data and knowledge in all areas of care available and invite other members of the interdisciplinary cooperation, such as doctors, physiotherapists, social workers available, while encouraging findings from nursing research nursing practice provided and nursing services should be made transparent. The health care sector, the use of care computer science, in addition to the daily inpatient and outpatient care and the nursing education, nursing management, process management, and nursing science and research. Each of these areas has its own requirements for information systems, for example, require care managers prioritize economic data and assistance in manpower planning, while the practical nursing requires nursing assistant and nursing documentation systems that accompany the nursing process supportive and provide biographical, medical and care planning data. Another field of application is the collection and evaluation of individual process-like nursing interventions, such as the wound documentation, in particular the interdisciplinary collaboration between doctors, wound Manager and providing care nurse plays a role and in addition to data also photographic documentation as well as 3 - D animations to assess the development and the evaluation will be used.

Nursing classification

An important part of the field of nursing computer science results from the international standardization of nursing terminology that is caused by the increased use of the NANDA taxonomy, the Nursing Interventions Classification, Nursing Outcomes Classification and the International Classification of Nursing Practice of the International Council of Nurses out. The mapping of these classification systems that term catalogs for the nursing diagnoses and problems, interventions, and nursing outcomes is a priority of care computer science. However, the implementation and expansion of relevant nursing classifications depends essentially on the level of development of the national care, for example, the spread in Austria because of a different Care Basics is significantly higher than in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The best-known nursing classification systems in the German-speaking countries are the following:

  • European Nursing Care Pathways (ENP ) classifies nursing diagnoses, nursing objectives and management measures.
  • International Classification of Nursing Practice ( ICNP ) using the concepts of the different axes both statements on nursing diagnoses, outcome and care measure can be developed post combinatorially by the caregiver.
  • Service Entry in Nursing ( LEP) classified care services
  • North American Nursing Diagnoses Association ( NANDA ) nursing diagnoses classified.
  • Nursing Outcome Classification ( NOC) classifies nursing outcomes
  • Nursing Intervention Classification ( NIC) classifies nursing interventions.

Worldwide, there are numerous other nursing classification systems which nursing diagnoses, goals and describe actions and could be used to nursing process documentation.
