

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The Nüst is a 22.8 km ( over the wall Scheller water 25.2 km ) long, orographic right tributary of the Haune in the Hessian Rhön in the district of Fulda. It rises on the border of the municipalities Hilders and Hofbieber and flows in a northwesterly direction over the town named after him Nüsttal opens up to the south of the city Hünfeld in the Haune.


The Nüst rises approximately 496 meters above sea level on the eastern slope of the Great Grubenhauck ( 643 m). Her right, with just under 2.8 km significantly longer source Bach wall Scheller water swells southwest of the mountain and flows around anticlockwise along the Fulda- Werra- watershed to unite these initially with the first 350 -meter "actual" Nüst.

In his first north, then more to the north- west to west -directed course of the river crosses Unterbernhards and Mahlerts, Obernüst affected south and passes through the Gotthard after Morles where it flows from the right of the Achenbach and Rimmel, where the moisture flows from the left.

About Silges and Mack the cell reaches the Nüst named after her southern district Hünfelder Nüst where it flows from right to about 255 m in the Haune.

The average bed slope of Nüst thus amounts to nearly 11 ‰. Were to relate to the wall Scheller water, which by itself is a high bed slope of about 44 ‰, with one, would suspend the the total value of 14 ‰.


The Nüst dehydrated almost 100 km ² catchment area and promotes the means ( MQ ) good one cubic meter of water per second.

The following tributaries are worth mentioning:
