NUTS of Macedonia

As NUTS: MK or NUTS regions in Macedonia refers to the territorial division of Macedonia ( in EU parlance: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ) in accordance with the European Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS).


In Macedonia, the three NUTS and two LAU levels are assigned as follows:

  • NUTS -1: 1 - Macedonia
  • NUTS 2: 1 - Macedonia
  • NUTS -3: 8 Статистички региони ( Statistički regioni, statistical regions)
  • LAU -1: 84 пштини ( Opštini, municipalities )
  • LAU -2: 1776 Населени места ( Naseleni mesta, towns)

This code is " preliminary [ ... ]; he takes in any way the definitive nomenclature for the country concerned in advance, which will be agreed following the conclusion of negotiations on this issue at the United Nations on this issue "(EC / Eurostat ) The version in Latin script is not official, and is here -. , as in the original documents - mentioned for understanding.

List of NUTS regions in Macedonia
