
Nyctinomops Macrotus

Nyctinomops is a genus of the family of bulldog bats ( Molossidae ) whose representatives are located in North and South America.


Representatives of the genus Nyctinomops have a head -body length of 54-84 mm, a tail length of 34-57 and a forearm length of 41-64 mm. The coat color is brown to reddish, the abdomen is usually brighter. The animals of this genus differ from the Mexican bulldog bat ( Tadarida brasiliensis) by the narrower snout, the absence of the third lower incisor and the connected instead of separate ears.

Way of life

Nyctinomops types are like most bats nocturnal and feed on insects. They spend the day in crevices and buildings. They are less sociable than the rare Mexican bulldog bat and mother colonies reach a size of about 100 individuals. The males are regarded as a loner.

Types and distribution

There are four types:

  • Nyctinomops aurispinosus ( Peale, 1848) - In Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, as well as on the east coast of Brazil is home.
  • Nyctinomops femorosaccus ( Merriam, 1899) - located in the southern United States and Mexico.
  • Nyctinomops laticaudatus ( Geoffroy, 1805) - From Mexico is home to Uruguay and Cuba. Falsely also espiritosantensis Tadarida or called Nyctinomops laticaudata.
  • Nyctinomops macrotis (Gray, 1839) - From home to the southern United States to Argentina. Erroneously called Tadarida molossa.

All species classified by the IUCN as safely.
