
View over Deilingen to Oberhohenberg

The Oberhohenberg is 1010.7 m above sea level. NHN is the second highest mountain in the Swabian Alb and the highest mountain in Zollernalbkreis. The summit lies on the boundary, belonging to the city of Schomberg hamlet Schörzingen. It belongs to the region of 10 thousand. From Oberhohenberg the name of the medieval county of Hohenberg infers that had their lands to the Oberhohenberg.


On the Oberhohenberg originated around 1150, the castle Oberhohenberg, a castle of about 77 m long and 40 m wide. After the handover to Austria changing and sometimes dubious lords came to the castle. As a result of a feud in 1449 the castle was besieged by Rottweiler soldiers occupied it and completely destroyed.

At the foot of the mountain and the town of Hohenberg and a village were ( in the present territory of the hamlet ). Both also disappeared at this time.

In the area of the town then was later the Maierhof. From Maierhof the manor Oberhohenberg was managed as a separate part of the mountian community Deilingen. The owners were since the year 1825, the families of the barons of Ow. In 1899 the farm was burned down. In 1907, the manor was sold to the dissolution of the community in its entirety and purchased by Schörzingen for 149,300 marks. In 1909, the part Mountian Hohenberg was divided and dissolved. The part at the foot of Mount Oberhohenberg came to the denunciations of Deilingen and Delkhofen, the rest came to the denunciation of Schörzingen. 1934 Oberhohenberg was overwritten to the ( current ) community Deilingen.
