Oberschule am Elsengrund

The Upper School at Elsengrund was a high school in the Berlin district of Marzahn- Mahlsdorf Heller village with around 750 students and 50 teachers.


Founded as a Polytechnic High School in 1983 in the former GDR, the school after the turn of the 5th overall school in the then District Heller village was. After the change of total school to Berlin - Heller village here the 5th high school was finally opened on 1 August 1993. Since September 12, 1997, the Junior High said on Elsengrund - Gymnasium.

The school was closed in 2009 and merged with the Otto -Nagel -Gymnasium in Berlin- Biesdorf.

The school was one of the model schools of the senate funded project Pedagogical Education Development ( PSE).
