
Octavio is a Hispanic male first name.

Origin and Meaning

Octavio is the Spanish form of the Roman family name Octavius ​​, derived from the Latin Octavus meaning " the eighth ". The Portuguese form of the name is Octávio.

Bearers of the name

Form Octavio

  • Octavio Antonio Beras Rojas (1906-1990), Archbishop of Santo Domingo
  • Octavio Broggio (also: Ottavio Broggio or Octavian Broggio, Czech: Oktavián Broggio; 1670-1742 ), Bohemian architect and builder
  • Octavio SDB Ortiz Arrieta (1878-1958), Peruvian religious priests and Roman Catholic bishop
  • Octavio Max Otten (1877-1962), German physician and one of the pioneers of occupational medicine
  • Octavio Paz (1914-1998), Mexican writer and diplomat
  • Octavio Piccolomini, Duke of Amalfi (1599-1656), the Thirty Years War, a general Wallenstein
  • Octavio Rivero Serrano ( born 1929 ), Mexican pulmonologist and former rector of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ( UNAM)
  • Octavio by Zedlitz - Neukirch (1840-1919), German politician

Form Octávio

  • Octávio Bevilacqua (1887-1953), Brazilian musicologist and educator
  • Octávio Moraes (1923-2009), Brazilian footballer
  • Octávio Trompowsky (1897-1984), Brazilian chess player

Form Oktavio

  • Oktavio Philip of Boehn (1824-1899), Prussian general
  • Hermann Bräuning - Oktavio ( until 1909 Bräuning, pseudonym Fritz Oktavio; 1888-1977 ), German literary historian, critic, translator and publisher