Office Chérifien des Phosphates

Office Chérifien des Phosphates ( OCP short ) is a large enterprise of the phosphate industry in Morocco.

The OCP is based in Casablanca builds from extensive, estimated at 85 million tons, phosphate deposits and produces phosphate products. It is the largest provider of phosphates on the international market.

Is the owner of the company, founded in 1920, the Moroccan state. The management of the Company is vested in a Director-General, currently (2006) Sherif Mourad.

After independence Morocco firstly this function had more than 25 years Mohammed Karim Lamrani held. At times he was simultaneously Moroccan Prime Minister. His successor was Mohammed Fettah 1989, which gave the Office 1994 Sherif. It was followed in 1999 Mohammed Berrada and then the later Prime Minister Driss Jettou, took over from the Sherif the office again.
