Office of Integrative Art

The Office of Integrative Art ( bik ) was founded in 2000 in Germany. Since that time the artist Jörg Amonat and Stefan Krüskemper jointly develop and implement projects in changing project groups work in public space.

Realizations and projects include: " Intricate Journey" New Society for Fine Arts Berlin and lugar a dudas Cali, " AIR BORNE " Aerodynamic Park Berlin, "grow" Temporary installation Luther Church of Wittenberg, " work about work " Stadtdraum Nuremberg, " parkTV " City Park Dessau, " media installation " Frankenhalle, Nürnberg,

Group exhibitions include: Art Exnergasse Vienna, ACC Galerie Weimar, West Space Gallery Melbourne, CLINIC Zurich, Kunsthaus Nuremberg, gallery zé dos bois Lisbon, Westphalian Art Association Münster

Awards and Scholarships include: annual scholarship of the Bavarian State Ministry, 1st prize " Aerodynamic Park " Berlin, 2nd Prize " Aufsessplatz " in Nuremberg, 1st prize "Foyer Lucent Technologies " Nuremberg, 1st prize "Foyer of the Franks Hall ," Fair Nuremberg
