Okinoshima (Shimane)

Okinoshima (Japanese隠岐 の 島町, -chō ) is a town in Oki -gun in the Japanese Shimane Prefecture.


The community area mainly comprises the territory of the island of the same Okinoshima, which is one of the Oki Islands. However, the Japanese government also considers the territorial disputed with South Korea Liancourt Rocks as part of this community.


Okinoshima was created on 1 October 2004 from the merger of Chō Saigo (西 郷 町, chō ) with the Mura Fuse (布施 村, -mura ), Goka (五 箇 村, -mura ) and Tsuma (都 万 村, -mura ).


At the southeastern edge of the island there is the Oki Airport, which offers a regular daily flights to the Japanese main island.

By Okinoshima leads the national road 485, which continues to Honshu to Matsue.


In Okinoshima are 13 elementary, 5 middle, each supported by the city, and 2 carried by the prefectural high schools, high school Oki (岛 根 県 立 隠 岐 高等学校, Shimane kenritsu Oki Kōtō Gakko ) and fisheries high school Oki (岛 根 県 立 隠 岐 水产 高等学校, Shimane - Oki kenritsu Suisan Kōtō Gakko ).
