Oniscus asellus

Sow ( Oniscus Asellus )

The Sow Bug ( Oniscus Asellus ) is an isopod from the family of wall isopods ( Oniscidae ). The type is one together with the woodlouse ( Porcellio scaber ) the most common woodlice in Central Europe and occurs together with it frequently in the environment of man.


The animals are 15 to 18 millimeters long, 6-10 mm wide and have a wide oval, much flattened body shape. Her dark brown shiny body has a variable dark spot drawing and is noticeably grainy textured. The first antennae are very small, the second are long and strong and have a tripartite scourge. This distinguishes the kind of similar woodlouse ( Porcellio scaber ), the scourge has only two members. The head of the leading edge is extended on both sides in a long, slanting forward frontal lobe before the eyes. The pairs of limbs ( pleopods ) have no Trachealorgane.

Occurrence and life

The species is widespread in much of Europe, but is missing in the Mediterranean area. They settled mostly damp and dark places, and often occurs in the vicinity of man, for example, objects in the garden or in the compost pile. In forests you can find them under rocks and bark of dead wood. They often occurs with the equally widespread woodlouse.

