Operation Fastlink

Operation Fastlink was an operation against the international warez scene, which was directed particularly against Fairlight, Callisto, Class, and Project Echelon X. More than 120 raids in 27 U.S. states as well as in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, the Netherlands, Singapore, Sweden and the UK were carried out on 21 and 22 April 2004. On April 23, searches were carried out in Spain. A total of 12 countries were involved in this coordinated action. The blow was directed under the auspices of the FBI against the heads of organized software copyright infringement. Total number of persons being investigated over one hundred. The success of this investigation was never fully disclosed or questioned.

According to the U.S. Justice Department over 200 computers were, inter alia, also 30 servers, which were used for archiving and distribution of titles, guaranteed. Furthermore specifies the FBI that the total damage caused amounted to several hundred million U.S. dollars.
