
Oplontis was an ancient town on the site of the present Torre Annunziata near Pompeii in the Italian region of Campania. It is located on the Tabula Peutingeriana. Otherwise, little is known about the settlement that was buried in AD 79 by Mount Vesuvius.

Here in 1964, a very well-preserved and richly embellished with murals villa was unearthed Poppaea Sabina, the second wife of Nero is attributed. She had rich Gartenananlagen with oleander, bay and lemon trees. In addition, we uncovered the Villa of Lucius Crassius Tertius, in which, during the volcanic eruption 74 people fled, whose bodies were found here.

Probably Oplontis was a wealthy Roman villa estate on the coast road from Neapolis ( Naples) to Surrentum.
