Oppenheim's sign

When Oppenheim reflex (after Hermann Oppenheim ) is one of the pyramidal tract signs that point to damage to central motor neurons. With strong swipe down on the shin front edge with your thumb and forefinger as it comes with the other pyramidal tract signs also a tonic dorsiflexion of the big toe and often leads to a spreading of the digits II to V.

More pyramidal tract signs are the reflexes after Joseph Babinski ( Babinski reflex), Gordon ( Gordon - reflex), Chaddock ( Chaddock reflex) and Adolf von Strümpell ( Strümpell characters), which are sometimes referred to as reflexes of Babinski group.

These reflexes are physiologically in newborns and infants, the adult obligate pathological ( diseased ).

Original publication

  • H. Oppenheim: For the pathology of cutaneous reflexes of the lower extremities. In: Monthly Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology. 1902, 12: 421-423.
  • Reflex
  • Disease symptom in neurology