Orb (Kinzig)

The Orb, Bad Orb

The Orb (front) leads into the Kinzig



The Orb springs southeast of Bad Orb, on the access road to the resort town with the community Jossgrund, in the nature reserve Orbquelle at Bad Orb. The headwaters are six sources that Orbquelle that Stierruhquelle, the agent source, the Mack Born, Green Born and Saustallquelle. The last one has her name is because the animals could be watered only on her. The Orbquelle has been taken for the water supply in the Orb valley.


Within 3.5 km of the river reached the spa gardens in Bad Orb. In the city it encounters its greatest tributary, the hazel. Another tributary is the Leimbach.

North of the former Untertors in the nature reserve Autal in Bad Orb Orb is also called " Aubach " in the tourist vernacular. A restaurant, which goes back to a concession of 1875, was originally the " Aumuehle ". The Bad Orb light railway "Emma" runs through a portion of the lower Orbtals.

At junction Waechtersbach the Federal Highway 66, the Orb flows into the Kinzig.


  • Hazel (right), (4.8 miles)
  • Leimbach (left), (1,7 km )