Orb-weaver spider

Garden spider ( Araneus diadematus )

The Real orb-weaving spiders ( Araneidae ) form with more than 2,800 species in 160 genera worldwide the third largest family of spiders. The most prominent representatives are types of garden spiders (Araneus ), which is also the most diverse genus. You are eponymous for the superfamily of orb-weaving spiders.

Real orb-weaving spiders have three claws bristled ( Trionchya = " Three -claw spiders " ) to the running leg tips ( Tarsus ), with which they can produce impressive Netzbauten of sticky silk. Even if the family is named after these eye-catching, reminiscent of cartwheels networks, not build all kinds of orb webs. Bolaspinnen ( genera Mastophora in America and Dicrostichus in Australia) weave little sticky balls that contain pheromone- like substances. Males of some few species of moths are attracted by it. The very well camouflaged animals make this ball down on a thread on the front legs. The moths stay on the ball stick and can be wrapped by the spider.

Other ways to build networks that are not uniform. The sector spiders ( Zygiella ) usually let free a sector in its network. Argiope species, which also includes the wasp spider heard weave a clear zig -zag -shaped pattern in their network. This was originally thought of as a " Stabiliment ", but today there are various speculations about ( attracting prey insects, camouflage, warning for birds).

Some genera of the family live semi- socially and form colonies of thousands of individuals whose networks merge, such as the native to Central Europe bridge spider ( Larinioides sclopetarius ). The spiders of the Mexican Metepeira weave together even large networks.

Variety of genera and species of the Real orb-weaving spiders

  • Pumpkin Spider Araniella cucurbitina ( Clerck, 1757), ( = Araneus cucurbitinus )
  • Wasp Spider Argiope bruennichi ( Scopoli, 1772)
  • Argiope argentata (Fabricius, 1775)
  • Cone spider Cyclosa conica ( Pallas, 1772)
  • Opuntienspinne ( Cyrtophora citricola )
  • Schilfradspinne Larinioides cornutus ( Clerck, 1757)
  • Stripe spider ( Mangora acalypha ) ( Walckenaer, 1802)
  • Pliers -like thorn spider ( Macracantha arcuata )
  • Columns spider Nuctenea umbratica ( Clerck, 1757)
  • Zygiella x - notata ( Clerck, 1757)
  • Caerostris darwini