Orlando Lagos

Luis Orlando "Chico" Vásquez Lagos (* 1913 in Santiago de Chile, † 2007 ) was a Chilean photographer. He was known primarily for his recordings of Salvador Allende.


Lagos accompanied Allende's political career over 20 years long. In 1970 he became chief photographer of the Chilean presidential palace La Moneda.

Shortly before the death of Allende's September 11, 1973 during the military coup by General Pinochet Lagos took the last pictures of the president. The photographer escaped the fighting around the palace along with Allende's ' daughters Beatriz and Isabel. One of his recordings of the President was elected Press Photo of the Year 1973. The author RECOURSE initially unknown because Lagos had signed an agreement with the New York Times not to publish his name during his lifetime. In return he was to receive $ 12,000 for six photographs that were never paid him according to a statement by the Chilean daily La Nación.

The award was in its place the picture editor of The New York Times, Dane Bath on. Lagos was identified only after his death in 2007 as the author of the photo, as La Nación revealed his identity.

He is buried in the Cementerio General de Chile.
