Orlando Ribeiro

Orlando Ribeiro ( born February 16, 1911 in Lisbon, † November 17, 1997 ) was a Portuguese geographer and historian, a new view of the Portuguese on their land and in its 86- year life with far beyond the present borders of Portugal addition, extensive research its geography created. Not without reason he is seen as an innovator of geography in Portugal.


His explorations have taken him throughout Portugal, the former Portuguese colonies and Latin America. A special attraction unfolded the Atlantic Islands: Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe. Extensive scientific field research and teaching were passionately lived the fundus for his oeuvre. His diverse interests in the fields of ethnology, anthropology, climatology and history were included with.

The basis of his extensive scientific network formed the Institute he founded Centro de Estudos Geográficos 1943 and from 1966 published internationally known magazine FINIS TERRA. Revista Portuguesa de Geografia. He earned many merits as an honorary doctorate from the University of Rio de Janeiro, Bordeaux, Coimbra, Madrid and the Sorbonne.

With Germany united him his acquaintance to make in Greifswald Hermann Lautensach, whom he had met at the 15th International Geographical Congress in Amsterdam, and its methodological theory of regional geography both of them for longer field studies in Portugal in 1943 for a joint project on the geography of Portugal inspired. New bonds created on the one hand by the study periods of Mariano Feio and two of his students, Ilídio do Amaral and Maria João Alcoforado, and the other by Bodo friend.



  • 2003 Memórias de um Geógrafo. Edições João Sá da Costa, Lisboa 2003, ISBN 972-9230-66-8.


  • Documentario Orlando Ribeiro de Itineirâncias to Geógrafio

