
Oshun ( Osun, Ochún, Oshun, Osun, Osun, Oxum ) is in the religion of the Yoruba and the Brazilian Candomblé Aphrodite, Venus among the Orishas or Orixás.

In Africa

It is a river goddess Oshun river of the same name in Nigeria and symbolizes fertility.

Your grove in Oshogbo ( Osogbo ) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In the Americas

Oxum is the IABA ( a female Orisha ) of love, of beauty, femininity, material wealth and fertility.

The followers of Brazilian Candomblé it is considered as the goddess of rivers, waterfalls and lakes, the beauty, love and wealth. Although as the meekest applies in all Orixá, she is the leader among all female deities, a Ìyàmi Òşòròngà ( Sorceress) and the only one who is allowed to participate in the Shell throwing the male deities.


Without their intervention there is no life on Earth. The Legend Oxum makes women sterile as blackmail against men / Oxum as mulheres faz estéreis em respresália aos homens reported that they, the women on earth had become infertile because the male Orixás they wanted to exclude from power:

" DC was created in the world, all Orixás came to Earth and began to distribute decisions among themselves over the division of the earth, in which only men were allowed to participate. Oxum took this situation not go. They rebelled against the exclusion, they took revenge on the male Orixás. You damn all women for infertility. [ ... ] They were very alarmed and did not know what they should do without sons to grow up, nor heirs to leave them possessions without new arms to create new wealth and to fight wars and without issue, to the memories of not to let them die. "

Oxum is - tells vary according to legend - the daughter of Oxalá, the sister of OBA, married to Xangô, Oxossi and Ogum and has a son, Logum Ede.


Since its element is the gold, she is wearing yellow.

In the Afro-Cuban Santería Oshun corresponds to the Virgin Mary in the form of the Merciful Virgin of Cobre, patroness of Cuba. In Brazil, it is in the context of syncretism often associated with the Virgin Mary.


Oxum always occurs accompanied by Yemayá / Iemanjá and is in particular a help for pregnant women and women in labor. Oxum distinguished by their beauty from, through her ​​beautiful body and has many lovers, as it is in the legend Oxum reported poor for love of Xangô / Oxum fica por amor pobre a Xangô:

"She had a beautiful body, of fine shapes. [ ... ] Many nights had Oxum in her bed lover, whom she brought moments of rare pleasure. Oxum had many love affairs. "

The Oxum consecrated believers are gentle, flirty, vain, jealous and ambitious. In many legends it is as sneaky, described in insbesonderen to other women.
