
Oulipo is a circle of authors mainly French, Italian ( Italo Calvino ), American ( Harry Mathews ) and Transylvanian Saxon ( Oskar Pastior ) writer. The acronym comes from Oulipo L ' Ouvroir de Littérature Potential (French " Workshop for Potential Literature" ). The corresponding adjective is oulipotisch.


Oulipo was founded in 1960 by François Le Lionnais and Raymond Queneau. The members were recruited initially mainly from the Collège de ' Pataphysique. They made their first artistic steps but also in surrealism. Another inspiration for founding is still to be seen in Nicolas Bourbaki collective, which is active only in the mathematical field.

The goal of the Oulipo is a language extension through formal constraints. Georges Perec, this led exemplary: he wrote a leipogrammatischen novel, which bears the title La Disparition (1969) and does not contain the letter " e". The novel was translated by Eugene Helmle under the title Anton Voyls progress into German, with the restriction - no "e" in the text - was retained. The literary works have in general a " contrainte " submit ( just such a constraint ), which restricts the language material used voluntarily.

Ou -X -Po

François Le Lionnais, the oulipotische lawman wanted to expand the oulipotische field of creation on Ou -x -po.

There are numerous OU -X -PO - groups, the OU for Ouvroir, one no longer in use French word for "workshop" is and the X indicates the area in which the corresponding workshop is potentially active: thus, for example: Ouvroir de musique potential = OuMuPo, Ouvroir de tragécomédie potential = OuTraPo, Ouvroir de la Bande dessinée potential = OuBaPo ( workshop for all kinds of comics, French bande dessinée ) Ouvroir du design graphique potentiel = Ougrapo (Workshop for potential graphic design ). In a novel, the writer Ilse Kilic also a " workshop for potential life " OUVIEPO occurs, which is located in Vienna was founded.

Basic principle of these workshops is the " contrainte ", the creative restriction. By this is meant a form of coercion which allows by preventing certain and known forms, new, hitherto neglected forms of representation and brings to the fore. Outrapo, also written OuTraPo, deals with the possibilities of new forms in the theater and in theater work in the broader sense.

To fully read Raymond Queneau "A hundred thousand billion poems " (1961), a collection of ten sonnets that are incredible to vary often due to a relatively simple idea, it would take over 190 million years.


Oulipo members (as of 2012). The members remain (they are due to Death excused ) after her death.

Noël Arnaud, Michèle Audin, Valérie Beaudoin, Marcel Bénabou, Jacques Bens, Claude mountains, André Blavier, Paul Braffort, Italo Calvino, François Caradec, Bernard Cerquiglini, Ross Chambers, Stanley Chapman, Marcel Duchamp, Jacques Duchateau, Luc Etienne, Frédéric Forte, Paul Fournel, Anne F. Garétta, Michelle Grangaud, Jacques Jouet, Latis, François Le Lionnais, Hervé Le Tellier, Jean Lescure, Daniel Levin Becker, Harry Mathews, Michèle Métail, Ian Monk, Oscar Pastior, Georges Perec, Raymond Queneau, Jean Queval, Pierre Rosenstiehl, Jacques Roubaud, Olivier Salon, Albert -Marie Schmidt.
