Out of Sight (TV series)

  • David Cobham
  • Alex Kirby
  • Shane Fox: Joe Lucas
  • Akabar Karim Ali Patanchali ( Season 1 )
  • Sacha Dhawan: Ali Patanchali ( Season 2 and 3)
  • Simon Slater: Director
  • Sienna Guillory: Ingrid
  • Nathan Gunn: Jaws
  • Emily Oldknown: Jill
  • Sophie McConnell: teacher
  • Raymond Brody: Mr. Beigel
  • Simon Pearsall: Mr. Lucas
  • Aftab Sachak: Mr. Patanschali
  • Moira Brooker: Mrs. Lucas
  • Anita Kapoor: Mrs. Patanschali
  • Monty Fromant: Ron
  • Tom Aldwinckle: Shane

Invisible is a British 27- part television series that was produced in the years 1996 to 1998.


The twelve- year-old gifted Joe Lucas flees one day before his nemesis, the bully Jaws, and its ties to the bookstore of Mr. Hays. There he finds the diary of a certain Dr. Lucas Garrow and discovered that this was the belief that you can do things and also people invisible. At home he ertüftelt using his chemistry set and the computer of his best and almost the only friend Ali a chemical formula to implement this knowledge. He manages to create a bright green spray, which he calls INVIZ and can make him invisible. Thus he witnesses in every episode as Hidden a new adventure. However, it is also more common problems and misunderstandings because Ali is the only one that Joe has dedicated his invisibility secret. Joe's parents, especially his older brother Shane are often more than suspicious. Initially looking for a hair restorer - - steals the formula course, some other scientists behind Joe Invizformel ago, for example, a former student of Joe's Parkfield School, Mr. Grimble, who are.
