
An outcrop is a point on the earth's surface, on the rock, which is connected to the regional bedrock (so-called bedrock ), undisguised comes to light. This is particularly often largely obscured in the lowlands by soil and vegetation and therefore not open under humid ( moist ) climate conditions. Can be identified and Calibrate and coarse structures such as fracturing, layering or foliation in a shed next to the rock, it is called relatively good, are also details such as sedimentary structures visible from ideal digestion conditions. Outcrops are also places for holding rock samples for scientific or technical purposes.

We distinguish:

  • Natural outcrops: detached rocks, individual rock walls (eg shift levels), or a particularly large area, high mountain ranges
  • Steep banks of rivers or cliffs
  • Separation edges of landslides
  • Quarries, gravel pits, pits, mining fronts of surface mines
  • Tunnel in the underground mining
  • Road and rail cuts
  • Trenches, etc.

In the broadest sense, we can also rock samples were collected by core drilling ( core → ), called artificial digestion.

Outcrops of any kind are the main sources of data for geology in general and for geological mapping in particular, as you can see from them that encountered at precisely this point geological conditions. Lack of outcrops in a particular area may be inferred from frequently occurring in the soil, loose rock fragments - wisely - to conclude that possibly deeper Pending (→ Lesesteine ​​).
