Pajuna Cattle

Pajuna is a rare Spanish breed of cattle, which, in some features is very similar to the extinct aurochs, the ancestor of most domestic cattle.

Appearance and Description

Since Pajunas been since 1950 repeatedly crossed with other breeds of cattle such as Murciana or Retinta, a few strokes of the race have lost its originality. But still there are lines which have a distinct resemblance to the aurochs. This includes a long-legged, athletic physique. Pajuna bulls weigh on average 600 kg and can reach some 165 cm at the withers. The horns, especially the bulls are usually directed forward and light in color with a dark tip. Some crossed Pajunas have displayed more outward horns. The strength and size of the horns varies depending on the breed line. The cops are dark brown to black with light dorsal stripe, the cows so much brighter and reddish brown. Here Pajuna also corresponds to the aurochs. For this breed North African descent or influence from there domesticated cattle is suspected. In fact Pajuna bulls often have a bright saddle, which may closely resemble the North African Aurochs representations.

Due to the crossing with other breeds some Pajuna lines, however, have several primitive features, such as the wild color or Langbeinigkeit already lost. The original phenotype is therefore disappearing.

Occurrence and use

This original breed of cattle is under special protection in the Spanish official catalog cattle, since their number has decreased during the 1980s and 1990s rapidly. The quality of the meat of this breed is indeed appreciated, but the traditional benefits of this strong cattle lay in traction work.

Like other Robust cattle is Pajuna to harsh conditions, especially cold mountain regions adapted. Only under extreme weather conditions, when grazing is no longer possible, is fed these cattle. Due to their robustness and the aurochs -like physique and the wild color Pajuna is used by the Stichting Taurus for extensive grazing for nature conservation purposes. The cattle are to take together with other primitive races again the role of their wild ancestors. Pajuna found in the Taurus Project use, where the race together with other aurochs -like cattle as sayaguesa, Tudanca, maremmana primitivo or Limia cattle is used to breed the aurochs, a phenotypically and genotypically ecologically and corresponding possible beef.
