
A paludarium is a special form of aqua-terrarium, it represents a wetland after (lat. ' palus ' = swamp ) and serves in particular the keeping of amphibians and water-loving reptiles.

A typical planting consists of submerged (under water) and emersed ( out of the water or on land ) growing plants, such as Anubias, Cyperus and Spathiphyllum.

The container is either a composite of aquarium and additional glass walls and cover construct or a terrarium with a higher bottom rib. Always make sure to provide adequate ventilation and increased humidity. Even if a pure paludarium only recreates swamp, but sometimes have to take place at a water change or a permanent water filtering ( Hamburg mat filter) be integrated.

Other special forms of aqua terrarium are the riparium ( bank terrarium ) and the Rivarium ( stream terrarium ).
