Pan de Azúcar, Uruguay

Pan de Azucar on the map of Uruguay

Pan de Azucar is a city in Uruguay.


It is located in the area of ​​Maldonado Department in its sector 3, northeast of Cerro Pan de Azucar. Nearest further settlements are Gerona west and Ruta 37 y 9 in the south. Northwest also found Nueva Carrara. A few kilometers to the southwest lies Piriapolis.


On September 7, 1961 in category " Ciudad " Pan de Azucar by Law No. 12,908.



Pan de Azucar features with the established on November 27, 1945 Liceo de Pan de Azucar " Prof. Alvaro Figueredo " about a high school ( Liceo ).

Park in the center


Pan de Azucar had 2011 6.597 inhabitants, of which 3,170 male and 3,427 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay

City ​​council

Mayor ( alcalde ) of Pan de Azucar is Miguel Plada.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Pascasio Báez (1925-1971)
  • Blanca Luz Brum (1905-1985), poet
  • Luis Maidana ( born 1934 ), football player