
Pandrosos (Greek Πάνδροσος ) In Greek mythology, the daughter of Cecrops I and the Aglauros, sister of Erysichthon, the Herse and Aglauros.

After the Libraries of Apollodorus Athena was hidden in a box Erichthonios in the custody of the Pandrosos with the condition not to open the box. However, their sisters could not resist and went over the ban. When they opened the box, lay in the child with a snake on his chest. The snake killed the brother and sister now either directly or they were by the serpent, other legends recount that of Athena, driven mad and threw themselves from the Acropolis in Athens. According to Ovid Pandrosos met complicity because it prompts Aglauros even glanced at the tray. Euripides does not distinguish the degree of the offense or the equity between the sisters.

Its function was that of a Taugöttin ( ὁ δρόσος Tau ), so she was the goddess of fertility and connected to the agrarian sector. She had on the Athenian Acropolis next to the temple of Athena Polias, a sanctuary that Pandroseion, which existed in Helladic period and was in Mycenaean times is important.

Julius Pollux calls them Mother of Keryx, which is usually derived from Aglauros and Hermes.
