Panellus stipticus

Herber Zwergknäueling ( Panellus stypticus )

The tartness Zwergknäueling ( Panellus stipticus syn. Panellus stypticus ) is a species of fungus in the genus of dwarf ball Inge ( Panellus ). Other names for this fungus are Muschelseitling Bitter, Bitter Sharp Zwergknäueling or oak Zwergknäueling.


The tartness Zwergknäueling forms small, short -stalked, fan - to kidney-shaped fruiting body of about 1.5-4 cm wide, which together are imbricate in lawn. The top is ocher to zimtbräunlich, lighter in the dry state or in older specimens. The hat skin fungi is kleiig or scaly, slightly concentrically zoned and sticky on pressure. The edge of young fruiting body is curled, wavy in older specimens and slightly notched. The sharply defined from the stalk blades are thin, narrow, and at the bottom like a net connected ( anastomoses ), the gill color is cinnamon, her cutting is sticky and dense with lumpy accumulated Zystiden busy ( microscope). The spore powder is white.

The side- seated stem is short ( 1-2 cm) and ocher yellow, smooth in young specimens, and later as the hat with bran-like scales covered. The meat ( Trama ) is leathery tough, and upon drying hard, but moist soft again. It contains resin beads which cause the typical first sweet tart and astringent taste later on prolonged chewing. The fruiting bodies appear throughout the year.

The other similar species of the genus lack the tart astringent taste. An American master of this kind is capable of Foxfire bioluminescence, both mycelium and fruiting body glow in the dark.


The tartness Zwergknäueling is a saprobiontischer colonizers of old trunks, stumps and branches lying that causes brown rot in wood populated. As a substrate, he prefers oak and beech, but also can occur at a number of other hardwoods, rarely on coniferous wood. The species occurs as far as suitable substrate is available in almost all types of forests, parks, gardens in rows of trees and isolated trees in front.


The tartness Zwergknäueling was found in Australia, Pakistan, South Asia ( from the Caucasus to Korea and Japan), North America, North Africa, and the Canary Islands. In Europe the kind of South and South-Eastern Europe over western and central Europe to northern and eastern Europe happens in Scandinavia she goes up to the 65th degree of latitude.


The tartness Zwergknäueling is unsuitable as Mushroom, as wood destroyers he is not of forestry importance.

Synonyms, names

In addition to the Latinized spelling Panellus stipticus the spelling Panellus stypticus is common, as from the Greek adjective styptikos the word ( astringent contract, of styphein, clog ) is derived. The Latin Artattribut ( epithet ) stypticus is therefore a Greek loan word, and thus refers to how well the German species name, on the bitter, astringent taste of the fruit body.
